argumentative essay topics for grade

This comprehensive list of argumentative essay topics for grade 1 to grade12 is designed to challenge students across various grade levels. Each topic encourages critical thinking and invites students to explore contemporary issues relevant to their education, society, and personal beliefs. From debates about school policies to global issues like climate change these topics aim to develop students’ skills in constructing logical arguments and defending their viewpoints with evidence. By engaging with these prompts, students will enhance their research, reasoning, and persuasive writing abilities.

argumentative essay topics for grade

argumentative essay topics for grade 1

  1. Should recess be longer?
  2. Is it better to have pets or no pets?
  3. Should we have ice cream for lunch?
  4. Is sharing toys important?
  5. Should we play outside every day?
  6. Is it fun to have school spirit days?
  7. Should we read books before bedtime?
  8. Is it okay to play video games?
  9. Should we eat fruits instead of candy?
  10. Is it better to wear uniforms to school?
  11. Should animals be kept in zoos?
  12. Is it nice to help others?
  13. Should kids get a trophy for participating?
  14. Is it important to learn about other cultures?
  15. Should we have a class pet?
  16. Is playing sports good for kids?
  17. Should we learn about nature in school?
  18. Is it better to play with friends or alone?
  19. Should we watch movies in class?
  20. Is it important to say “thank you”?

argumentative essay topics for grade 2

  1. Should we have more school holidays?
  2. Is it better to eat lunch at school or bring lunch from home?
  3. Should students help clean the classroom?
  4. Is it important to learn math every day?
  5. Should every kid learn how to swim?
  6. Is playing outside more fun than playing inside?
  7. Should we have a school garden?
  8. Is it okay to read comic books?
  9. Should we have a talent show at school?
  10. Is it better to learn through games?
  11. Should kids be allowed to vote for class president?
  12. Is it important to learn about recycling?
  13. Should we have nap time at school?
  14. Is it better to be honest or kind?
  15. Should we celebrate birthdays at school?
  16. Is it important to learn to ride a bike?
  17. Should we watch cartoons in class?
  18. Is it better to play sports or do art?
  19. Should schools have a library?
  20. Is it fun to do group projects?

argumentative essay topics for grade 3

  1. Should kids have homework every day?
  2. Is it better to live in the city or the countryside?
  3. Should school start later in the morning?
  4. Is it important to learn about different countries?
  5. Should students be able to choose their own classes?
  6. Is it okay to use cell phones in school?
  7. Should all schools have music programs?
  8. Is it better to be a leader or a follower?
  9. Should animals be treated like humans?
  10. Is it important to exercise regularly?
  11. Should we have longer recess periods?
  12. Is it better to read books or watch movies?
  13. Should we have school uniforms?
  14. Is it important to learn about history?
  15. Should we have more art classes in school?
  16. Is it okay to argue with friends?
  17. Should kids be allowed to cook in school?
  18. Is it better to be a cat person or a dog person?
  19. Should kids have a say in family decisions?
  20. Is it fun to learn about science?

argumentative essay topics for grade 4

  1. Should schools have year-round education?
  2. Is it important for kids to volunteer in their communities?
  3. Should junk food be banned in schools?
  4. Is it better to learn from books or the internet?
  5. Should students learn about money management?
  6. Is it okay to disagree with a teacher?
  7. Should every child learn a second language?
  8. Is it important to protect endangered species?
  9. Should school start later in the day?
  10. Is technology making us less social?
  11. Should kids be allowed to watch TV during the week?
  12. Is it better to be famous or to be happy?
  13. Should schools have more sports teams?
  14. Is it important to learn about nutrition?
  15. Should students be able to choose their own homework?
  16. Is it better to work alone or in a group?
  17. Should pets be allowed in classrooms?
  18. Is it okay to have different opinions?
  19. Should kids be allowed to stay up late on weekends?
  20. Is it important to learn about current events?

argumentative essay topics for grade 5

  1. Should students have access to smartphones at school?
  2. Is it important to have school dress codes?
  3. Should video games be considered a sport?
  4. Is it better to study in groups or alone?
  5. Should schools offer mental health days?
  6. Is it important for students to participate in extracurricular activities?
  7. Should animal testing be banned?
  8. Is it okay to skip grades in school?
  9. Should students be required to learn about financial literacy?
  10. Is social media harmful to teens?
  11. Should school lunches be healthier?
  12. Is it better to travel or stay at home?
  13. Should students be able to bring their own devices to school?
  14. Is it important to learn about climate change?
  15. Should all students participate in community service?
  16. Is it better to work for money or to volunteer?
  17. Should schools have a longer summer vacation?
  18. Is it okay to have a pet in the classroom?
  19. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  20. Is it important to learn about global issues?

argumentative essay topics for grade 6

  1. Should students have later school start times?
  2. Is it important to learn about mental health?
  3. Should schools offer more technology classes?
  4. Is it better to follow trends or be yourself?
  5. Should high school students be allowed to vote?
  6. Is it okay for schools to track students’ online activities?
  7. Should there be a limit on homework assignments?
  8. Is it important to learn about coding?
  9. Should all students learn first aid?
  10. Is it better to have a few close friends than many acquaintances?
  11. Should schools implement a four-day school week?
  12. Is it important for schools to teach about diversity?
  13. Should animals have rights similar to humans?
  14. Is it better to resolve conflicts through discussion or competition?
  15. Should the minimum wage be raised?
  16. Is it acceptable to have school fundraisers that involve selling unhealthy foods?
  17. Should students be able to take mental health days off?
  18. Is it important to have art and music in schools?
  19. Should schools be allowed to search students’ lockers?
  20. Is it beneficial for students to study abroad?

argumentative essay topics for grade 7

  1. Should students have a say in school policies?
  2. Is it better to live in a small town than a big city?
  3. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  4. Is it important to have free college education?
  5. Should junk food ads be banned during children’s programming?
  6. Is social media more harmful than helpful?
  7. Should schools require uniforms?
  8. Is it better to be an introvert or an extrovert?
  9. Should governments prioritize spending on education over military?
  10. Is it ethical to use animals for entertainment?
  11. Should high school sports be cut to save money?
  12. Is it important to learn about personal finance in school?
  13. Should schools ban cell phones?
  14. Is online learning as effective as in-person classes?
  15. Should students be required to complete a certain number of volunteer hours?
  16. Is it acceptable to use technology in the classroom?
  17. Should school be year-round?
  18. Is it important for schools to focus on mental health education?
  19. Should schools have a later start time to improve student performance?
  20. Is it better to encourage competition or collaboration in schools?

argumentative essay topics for grade 8

  1. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  2. Is it important for teenagers to learn about consent and relationships?
  3. Should public schools be required to provide free meals to all students?
  4. Is it ethical for companies to use data from social media?
  5. Should students be required to take a foreign language?
  6. Is climate change the biggest threat to our future?
  7. Should students be allowed to express their opinions freely in school?
  8. Is it better to focus on technology over traditional subjects?
  9. Should there be stricter regulations on social media use?
  10. Is it important to learn about global warming in school?
  11. Should high school students have access to mental health resources?
  12. Is it necessary to have sex education in schools?
  13. Should schools be responsible for teaching personal finance?
  14. Is it beneficial to have school clubs and organizations?
  15. Should students have the right to protest in school?
  16. Is it acceptable to have surveillance cameras in schools?
  17. Should schools teach about the consequences of drug use?
  18. Is it important to study world history?
  19. Should the government regulate fast food?
  20. Is it ethical to promote body positivity in schools?

argumentative essay topics for grade 9

  1. Should college education be free for everyone?
  2. Is it important for students to have a part-time job while in school?
  3. Should parents monitor their children’s social media?
  4. Is climate change a real threat to our planet?
  5. Should schools provide comprehensive sex education?
  6. Is it better to live in a society that values individuality over conformity?
  7. Should the government invest in renewable energy?
  8. Is technology making us more isolated?
  9. Should students have the right to choose their courses?
  10. Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in daily life?
  11. Should schools have policies against bullying?
  12. Is it necessary to have physical education in high school?
  13. Should students learn about mental health in school?
  14. Is it important to teach students about racism and discrimination?
  15. Should high school students be required to volunteer?
  16. Is it okay for schools to search students’ belongings?
  17. Should schools focus more on STEM subjects?
  18. Is it better to have a balanced education or specialize early?
  19. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  20. Is it important to have discussions about current events in school?

argumentative essay topics for grade 10

  1. Should the government regulate social media platforms?
  2. Is it important to teach students about climate change?
  3. Should high schools require community service for graduation?
  4. Is it ethical to use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food?
  5. Should the minimum wage be increased?
  6. Is it necessary for students to learn a second language?
  7. Should schools teach about mental health awareness?
  8. Is it better to focus on practical skills rather than academic subjects?
  9. Should high school students be allowed to have cell phones in class?
  10. Is it ethical for companies to conduct background checks on job applicants?
  11. Should schools have more courses on personal finance?
  12. Is it important to study literature from diverse cultures?
  13. Should high school students participate in political activities?
  14. Is it acceptable to have dress codes in schools?
  15. Should schools provide free transportation for all students?
  16. Is it beneficial to have school sports teams?
  17. Should students be required to take standardized tests?
  18. Is it important to teach students about environmental sustainability?
  19. Should schools focus more on student mental health?
  20. Is it ethical to keep animals in captivity for education?

argumentative essay topics for grade 11

  1. Should the Electoral College be abolished?
  2. Is climate change the most pressing issue facing the world today?
  3. Should college athletes be paid?
  4. Is it ethical to implement mandatory vaccinations?
  5. Should high school students have access to free mental health services?
  6. Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?
  7. Should the U.S. have stricter gun control laws?
  8. Is it necessary to learn about global politics in high school?
  9. Should the government offer student loan forgiveness?
  10. Is it important to have sex education in schools?
  11. Should the government invest more in renewable energy?
  12. Is it acceptable to require students to wear uniforms?
  13. Should schools teach about digital literacy?
  14. Is it ethical for companies to profit from student data?
  15. Should high school students be able to vote in local elections?
  16. Is it important to teach students about the effects of climate change?
  17. Should all students take a gap year before college?
  18. Is it better to study humanities or sciences in college?
  19. Should high school be more focused on preparing students for college?
  20. Is it important for students to learn about their civic duties?

argumentative essay topics for grade 12

  1. Should college education be free for all students?
  2. Is climate change a bigger threat than terrorism?
  3. Should the U.S. adopt a universal healthcare system?
  4. Is it ethical to allow euthanasia?
  5. Should social media companies be held accountable for the content they host?
  6. Is it important for students to have internships before graduating?
  7. Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
  8. Is it acceptable for schools to teach creationism alongside evolution?
  9. Should schools be required to teach financial literacy?
  10. Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in decision-making?
  11. Should students be allowed to take gap years before college?
  12. Is it necessary for students to learn about mental health issues?
  13. Should the U.S. implement stricter immigration laws?
  14. Is it important for schools to focus on environmental sustainability?
  15. Should students have the right to protest against school policies?
  16. Is it ethical for schools to monitor students’ online activities?
  17. Should the U.S. government provide free public transportation?
  18. Is it better to have a traditional classroom setting or online learning?
  19. Should the death penalty be abolished in all states?
  20. Is it important for students to learn about global citizenship?

This diverse list of argumentative essay topics for students not only enhances students’ critical thinking skills but also prepares them for more advanced academic writing, whether they are looking to write an argumentative essay in high school or college. These topics cover a wide range of issues, from school-related debates to larger societal challenges like climate change and technology. For students seeking help with crafting well-researched and persuasive essays, Argument Essay offers expert services tailored to fit every academic level. Whether you need help with buying argumentative essays, finding cheap argumentative essay writing services in the USA, or just looking for good argumentative essay topics, our platform provides the support you need to excel in your writing endeavors.

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