Effects of water pollution on human health essay

In this argumentative essay on Effects of water pollution on human health, we will look into this prevailing problem from a scholarly perspective. There are several samples examined and scenarios explained to better understand the causes and effects of water pollution. Furthermore, suggestions have been outlined to deal with this problem smartly.

Industrial waste can have a significant impact on water quality and public health in the United States. This waste can contain various pollutants that are harmful to human health and the environment such as heavy metals, organic compounds, and radioactive materials. When this waste is not properly managed or disposed of can contaminate water sources which can lead to serious health consequences.

One major way in which industrial waste impacts water quality is through the release of toxins into water systems. For example, factories may release chemicals into nearby rivers or lakes which can contaminate the water and harm aquatic life. This can then affect the quality of drinking water as the water may need to be treated or filtered to remove the toxins. Additionally, industrial waste can seep into groundwater which can have long-term consequences on both the environment and public health.

Exposure to industrial waste in water systems can have significant impacts on public health. For example, exposure to certain toxins can cause acute effects such as skin irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea, while chronic exposure can lead to serious health conditions such as cancer, neurological damage, and birth defects. Vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, children, and low-income communities may be especially at risk of exposure to industrial waste in water sources as they may not have access to clean drinking water or have the means to purchase alternative sources of water. There are several pure water technology solutions that can help combat this ongoing problem.

Effects of water pollution on human health essay

The impact of industrial waste on water quality and public health is a complex issue that requires careful management and regulation. Federal and state governments have enacted laws and regulations to address this issue such as the Clean Water Act which sets standards for wastewater discharge and regulates industrial discharges into water systems. However, enforcement of these regulations can vary and may not be sufficient to prevent all instances of industrial waste contamination.

In addition to regulatory measures there are also technological solutions that can help mitigate the impact of industrial waste on water quality. For example, advanced treatment technologies can remove a wider range of pollutants from wastewater and green infrastructure can help reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality.

Planning to Reduce Effects of water pollution on human health essay

To gather data relevant to the research question of the impact of industrial waste on water quality and public health in the United States, there are several methods that can be used. However, for this report analysis of already available data published by state agencies such as American Environment Protection Agency, and WHO, etc is utilized. 

Industrial waste has a significant negative impact on water quality and public health in the United States. The hypothesis is directional and can be tested using existing data on water quality and public health in areas with a history of industrial waste contamination. Secondary data analysis can be used to gather evidence to support or refute this hypothesis, including reviewing literature, analyzing government data, and conducting statistical analyses. The testing of this hypothesis can help develop evidence-based solutions to address the negative impact of industrial waste on water quality and public health in the United States.

Effects of water pollution on human health in points

Independent and dependent variables:

Independent and dependent variables for the research question on the impact of industrial waste on water quality and public health in the United States:

Independent VariableDependent Variable
Industrial waste pollution levelWater quality measurement
Public health outcomes

In this table, the independent variable is the level of industrial waste pollution, which can be quantified and measured in terms of the types and amounts of contaminants present in water sources. The dependent variables include measurements of water quality and public health outcomes, both of which are likely to be impacted by exposure to contaminated water.

Controlled and uncontrolled variables

The research question is about the impact of industrial waste on water quality and public health in the US. In order to test this question, controlled variables can be used to ensure that any observed effects are attributed to the independent variable, industrial waste pollution level. These controlled variables may include factors such as time period of study, location, type of waste, sampling and analysis methods, population health status, and level of water treatment.

Controlled VariablesUncontrolled Variables
Time period of studyNatural disasters or other extreme events
Geographical location of studyIndustrial accidents or spills
Type of industrial wasteHistorical contamination levels in the area
Sampling methodologyPopulation demographics
Analytical techniquesClimate and weather conditions
Health status of populationIndividual lifestyle factors (e.g., diet, exercise)
Level of water treatmentPolitical and economic factors
Effects of water pollution on human health essay

However, there are also uncontrolled variables that may impact the study, but cannot reasonably be controlled. These may include natural disasters or extreme events, industrial accidents or spills, historical contamination levels in the area, population demographics, climate and weather conditions, individual lifestyle factors, and political or economic factors. Although these variables cannot be controlled, they should be acknowledged and considered when interpreting the results of the study.

Risk Assessment and Ethical Considerations


Exposure to contaminated water can lead to negative health effects for study participants. Sampling and testing water sources may also pose physical risks such as exposure to hazardous materials or injury during fieldwork. Additionally, data breaches or mishandling of personal information could compromise participant privacy and confidentiality.

Effects of water pollution on human health and environment

There are several ethical issues involved, such as: Informed consent requires that participants be fully informed of the risks and benefits of participating and given the opportunity to consent or decline. Privacy and confidentiality require that data collected from participants be kept confidential and handled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Equity requires researchers to be mindful of potential inequities in the distribution of risks and benefits and strive to minimize unintended negative consequences.

Scientific integrity demands that researchers uphold the highest standards of integrity and ensure that data collection and analysis are unbiased and free from conflicts of interest. Finally, researchers should take steps to minimize the environmental impact of their study, such as minimizing waste and pollution and ensuring that any potentially hazardous materials are disposed of safely and responsibly.


The text outlines the steps involved in conducting a study on the impact of industrial waste pollution on water quality and public health. These steps include selecting study locations with industrial activity, developing a sampling plan, collecting and analyzing water samples for contaminants, collecting health data, analyzing the relationship between water quality and health outcomes, and communicating the results to stakeholders. The importance of scientific integrity, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring participant privacy and equity is also emphasized.


The raw data for the research was acquired from government websites and other organizations performing quality tests on water sources from around the extended regions of the United States (Arsenic and Drinking Water | U.S. Geological Survey, 2019). 

Study LocationWater SourceArsenic Levels (mg/L)Mercury Levels (mg/L)Lead Levels (mg/L)Otitis externa / Swimmer’s earNorovirus infectionGiardiasis
Los AngelesOwens River0.0050.00080.00081,707719120
New OrleansMississippi River0.00530.000130.00393737132
PittsburghOhio River0.00320.000150.00321289966

Processed Data

Contamination levels:

Waterborne Diseases

This data presents information on the water quality and associated health risks in three different cities in the United States, including the levels of three heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, and lead) and the occurrence of three waterborne illnesses (otitis externa/swimmer’s ear, norovirus infection, and giardiasis) in each location.

For arsenic levels, Pittsburgh has the lowest concentration at 0.0032 mg/L, followed by Los Angeles at 0.005 mg/L, and then New Orleans at 0.0053 mg/L. For mercury levels, Los Angeles has the highest concentration at 0.0008 mg/L, followed by New Orleans at 0.00013 mg/L, and then Pittsburgh at 0.00015 mg/L. For lead levels, New Orleans has the highest concentration at 0.0039 mg/L, followed by Pittsburgh at 0.0032 mg/L, and then Los Angeles at 0.0008 mg/L (Water Quality Data Home, n.d.).

The data also shows the incidence of three waterborne illnesses in each city. Los Angeles has the highest incidence of otitis externa/swimmer’s ear at 1,707 cases, followed by New Orleans at 37 cases and Pittsburgh at 128 cases. New Orleans has the highest incidence of norovirus infection at 371 cases, followed by Los Angeles at 719 cases and Pittsburgh at 99 cases. Finally, Los Angeles has the highest incidence of giardiasis at 120 cases, followed by Pittsburgh at 66 cases and New Orleans at 32 cases.

Effects of water pollution on human health essay

Based on the data presented, we can observe a potential correlation between water contamination and the incidence of certain waterborne diseases. Specifically, Los Angeles has the highest levels of mercury in its water source, as well as the highest incidence of otitis externa/swimmer’s ear and giardiasis among the three cities. Meanwhile, New Orleans has the highest levels of lead in its water source and the highest incidence of norovirus infection.

It’s important to note that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and further studies would be needed to establish a causal relationship between water contamination and the incidence of these diseases. Additionally, there may be other factors at play that could influence the incidence of these diseases, such as differences in sanitation practices or other environmental factors.

The release of industrial waste into water sources can lead to a range of negative health outcomes, including an increased risk of cancer, developmental delays in children, reproductive problems, and other health issues. Additionally, exposure to contaminated water can lead to the transmission of waterborne diseases such as giardiasis, norovirus infection, and otitis externa/swimmer’s ear.

While regulations such as the Clean Water Act have helped to reduce the amount of industrial waste released into water sources, industrial pollution remains a significant problem in many areas of the United States (Summary of the Clean Water Act | US EPA, 2022). It is important that policymakers, industry leaders, and other stakeholders work together to develop more effective solutions for managing and reducing industrial waste, in order to protect the health of the public and ensure the long-term sustainability of our water resources.

Effects of water pollution on water quality and public health

Industrial waste can have a significant impact on water quality and public health in the United States. Industrial waste refers to any waste produced by industrial processes, such as chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful substances, that can contaminate water sources. Exposure to contaminated water can cause a wide range of illnesses, from skin irritation to cancer. For example, exposure to heavy metals like lead and mercury can cause neurological damage, while exposure to chemicals like benzene and vinyl chloride can increase the risk of cancer. In addition to health risks, water pollution caused by industrial waste can also harm the environment. 

The United States has several laws and regulations in place to protect water quality and public health from industrial waste. The Clean Water Act (CWA), for example, sets standards for water quality and regulates discharges of pollutants into waterways. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulates the storage, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste (Summary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act | US EPA, 2022). Despite these regulations, industrial waste still poses a significant threat to water quality and public health in the United States. Enforcement of these laws can be difficult, and some industries have found ways to evade regulations or take advantage of loopholes.


Arsenic and Drinking Water | U.S. Geological Survey. (2019, March 3). https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources/science/arsenic-and-drinking-water

Summary of the Clean Water Act | US EPA. (2022, July 6). US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-clean-water-act

Summary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act | US EPA. (2022, September 12). US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-resource-conservation-and-recovery-act

Water Quality Data Home. (n.d.). https://www.waterqualitydata.us/

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