This Argumentative essay on Abortion looks objectively into the historical significance of Abortion Law. How this law has impacted the life of millions of women and how a change can help women take ownership of their bodies. Furthermore, it also takes into account the reasons behind it legalization and conter narratives.
I believe that the body of a woman is her property and she should have the freedom to make decisions regarding her reproductive health. This emphasis on individual autonomy advocates that choices about pregnancy and childbirth are a personal matter. Therefore, the matter should not be subject to external mandates. By supporting a woman’s right to choose this perspective aligns with broader principles of personal freedom and bodily autonomy.
Restricting access to legal and safe abortion services can lead to an increase in clandestine procedures putting health and lives of women at risk. History has shown that where abortion is heavily restricted individuals may resort to desperate measures endangering their well-being. Ensuring access to safe and legal abortion is seen as a fundamental public health imperative will help safe public health.
I hail a pragmatic approach that considers the varied and sometimes difficult situations individuals may face. I acknowledges the complexity of certain situations such as cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk. A blanket ban on abortion fails to account for the nuanced circumstances surrounding each pregnancy (Study Shows an Abortion Ban May Lead to a 21% Increase in deaths, 2021). Abortion is a fundamental human right and efforts to restrict this right should be seen as encroachments on personal freedom.
It is essential to discuss this sensitive matter by taking the life of women and their right to exercise their exercise as equally as any other member of society. Furthermore, abortion should be more of a medical issue rather than a luxury or ideology. So, its a No, abortion should not be banned.
Abortion Should be Legalised
Slavery was abolished in the United States earlier than women were given the right to make free choices about abortion for several reasons, including but not limited to financial burden, rape, incest, depression, mental and physical health, etc. It is essential to understand women’s right to abortion. Several states have banned the practice, even in cases of rape and incest. The rape and incest cases are historically high, and banning abortion can yield detrimental impacts on society, women’s health, and wellbeing, including an overgrowing financial burden.
It is the right of women to decide what comes out of their bodies and change their decisions based on several reasons, including their constitutional right to privacy and staying silent. Several states allow women to take control of their bodies and decide about their bodies, and these laws must be kept. Without proper and sufficient finances, safe medical procedures are not possible. We will witness a significant shortage of safe treatments and access to the various healthcare services without uncomplicated financing, impacting the overall standard of life for women.
WHPA Act forbids the government from cutting off access to abortion services and meddling with funding for them. And the organization is conducting nationwide surveys, webinars, and other acts of unity by recording protests and urging congress to take measures against the judicial proceedings (Goldberg). Therefore, in the public interest, women’s health, financial wellbeing, the exercise of freedom, right to make choices, privacy rights, and right to access to healthcare, it is essential to outlaw these recent developments against abortion and lack of financial support from as early as when it passed the law in 1976.

Legal Analysis on status of Abortion
Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) made it possible for women in the United States to exercise their right to have an abortion with no strings attached. However, later in 1976, the Hyde amendment stopped the government from bearing the abortion expenses even in the cases of a medical emergency, incest, and rape (later changed to exclude cases of emergency, rape, and incest). In pursuance of recent legislative measures criminalizing abortion, it is essential to fully implement the law 410 U.S. 113 that advocates and legalizes abortion. Abortion is not always a luxury but a necessity.
There are several reasons for US women seeking abortion such as financial preparedness, domestic problems, job-related problems (20%), unaffordable hospital and daycare expenses (40%), lack of emotional and mental preparedness (19%), immature parents (teens), medically unfit (12%), a threat to life (4%), already have a child(s) (29%), and undisclosed reasons including sex out of wedlock, undisclosed sex, or premarital affairs (Biggs).
Another big reason for women seeking an abortion is rape and incest. Every minute there occurs a rape case in the United States, and 9 out of 10 times the victim is a woman, girl, or infant (“Scope of the Problem: Statistics | RAINN”). Additionally, the Hyde amendment should also be ruled out as it prohibits the government from bearing the medical expenses of women having an abortion. Although the Hyde amendment was later changed to include rape, incest, and medical emergency cases, it remains the basis of all the other laws prohibiting women’s access to abortion and financial support from the government. It is essentially the same as forcing women not to undergo an abortion due to medical expenses and other financial constraints.
Medicaid doesn’t cover women’s abortion expenses, even for low-income households. There are16 states that use public funds to pay for abortion services for women. As Mifeprex, the pill used in nonsurgical abortions does not adhere to the standards for outpatient drugs, and Medicare programs in 14 states do not offer it (“Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions: Interactive Map”). This forces women who want to end their pregnancies to undergo surgery, which is riskier and perilous. According to a report, no legal proceeding has been taken against this noncompliance.
Holding the 14 states liable for not ensuring medication arrangements is one way to address this complication. To urge the states to adhere to rules and benchmarks might entail forfeitures and money reductions in specific sectors. It is essential to recognize and award abortion the same importance as any other cases of medical emergency or operations such as heart problem or implant, stomach ache, or liver implant.
Final Thoughts on Abortion Legalisation.
The right to have an abortion is a basic human need that must be protected under women’s rights and rights of freedom, privacy, and Wade law. It is essential to support the right to abortion act on the floor of the assembly and vote against the Hyde amendment and any other law restraining access to financial support for abortion. Furthermore, it should amend laws to avoid any future interventions to change this law.